Darn! I missed it again! I got out of rhythm once and now I've got to work my way back into it again. I'm not too worried about it though. Except for the fact that my brother just started playing one of his favorite computer games again and I may have limited time with the computer. Ah well...
Day 10: A picture with the person you do the most crazy things with...
Webcam Craziness |
Oh my... My roommates and I have done some pretty funky stuff...
When we were first getting to know each other, we decided to order pizza in a really crazy way. We all dressed up, first of all. Savannah and Jill were dressed up as homeless people and hid in a dumpster. Janee looked super gangster and had a roll of money to give the delivery guy. I was dressed up as some weird creature in short shorts that yelled like a wookie. Dragon was upstairs to take pictures of it all. Sadly, we didn't realize that Little Caesar's doesn't deliver. RATS! We still had a lot of fun setting it up and then going to pick up our pizza in costume.
And that was just the beginning of the year. We went to Walmart and were crazy all over the place on our first monthiversary of being roomies. We had a frolic in the park late at night...and that's as far as I want to go with that story! We had a Denny's run (so fun! But I guess not so crazy...) We had tons of fun at dances as well! Janee and I made up a dance that included dance moves from a girl we both know that dances pretty funny, along with "The Creep" at the end. I've already mentioned our sleepover on the pirate ship (Click here for that post). Jill and I locked out Savannah and made her do a scavenger hunt to get back into the dorm while we hacked her computer and put a bunch of pictures of ourselves as her screen saver. Once we got totally hyped up on caffeine (three 8oz RedBull's and a vanilla cola for me...WOO!) and got hypnotized with people in the dorm. Well, I got hypnotized. Everyone else just watched. We were constantly jamming out, especially to our song, "I Just Had Sex" by Lonely Island ft. Akon.
I miss the good times I had with these girls. We had so much fun!!
Day 11: A picture of something you hate...
I HATE HEIGHTS!! This picture makes me dizzy. I want to throw up just thinking about being that high and ON THE EDGE?!? This person is crazy!
I have dreams where I'll be sitting somewhere up high...and then I just push myself off the edge. What the heck?
I don't know where this fear came from, probably from me being smart and not wanting to die. Yeah, that's gotta be it. Either way, I'm not a roller coaster fan, I don't ever want to bungee jump or sky dive (NEVER EVER EVER!!!), and I won't go very close to the edge unless I feel 100% safe if I'm anywhere up high. I get nervous standing on tables. It'd be just like me to slip and crack my head open. So nope, not a heights type of gal...
--Lexi Lou
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